| Aerial Hoop |
Amy specialised in Aerial Hoop at the National Centre for Circus Arts London for three years. Performed solo, duo or synchronised Amy can offer acts or ambient hangabout.
She has performed hoop all over the world including Strictly Come Dancing Tour 2017, X Factor, the London 2012 Paralympics Closing Ceremony, for Cannon in Abu Dhabi, Necker Island and regularly performs in London Cabaret.
For higher venues the routine can be performed statically at height or include spinning and swinging if a winch or pulley system is supplied.
Structural rigging point minimum 500kg.
Minimum height 4 metres.
Ground clearance for swinging minimum 8 metres diametre, for static and spinning routines 2.5 metres.​
"...balletic, confident, strong and supple...Amy sizzled in her fast spinning finale."
The Stage